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Radford College Mural Canberra

radford college mural

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Canberra Radford College Mural

Radford College, located in Bruce, Canberra, spans approximately 46 acres. The campus features many corridors and walls along the pathways where students walk and spend their breaks.

The addition of street art aimed to evoke a fresh atmosphere without altering the existing structures. By incorporating murals, the space was creatively transformed.

The murals combine native bushland plants with vibrant colours inspired by the surrounding vegetation. The designs blend botanical patterns with abstract elements to ignite students’ imaginations.

This artwork creates a welcoming environment, integrating the buildings into the art itself. Students and staff can enjoy the space, whether relaxing during breaks or passing through.

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School Murals Painted for:

School Murals & Workshop Highlights

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Master of School Murals & Workshops

Originally I was trained in fine arts with a focus on illustration, painting and letterpress (hand set typography). Later on I learnt to use Photoshop and Illustrator combined with other modern digital illustration software techniques.

Now with this combination of traditional & digital illustration I focus my work around commercial murals for schools. As a street artist if I can to contribute a positive learning space through art that makes the place more enjoyable for people then my imagination and creativity has served me well.

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